Mother of all peaks. Not the most difficult to climb, but the heighest without doubt. Its massif includes neighboring peaks Lhotse,...
Ojos del Salado: The highest volcano in the world and the second highest mountain in the western hemisphere. The crater...
Quitaraju is in the Cordillera Blanca range of the Peruvian Andes near the town Huarez. From the south face you...
Signalkuppe is the name for a 'gendarme' on the east ridge ('the signal'). It is a sub peak of Monta...
Siula-Grande is the second highest mountain in the Cordillera Huayhash range of the Peruvian Andes and the site for Joe...
Vinson Massif: this is Antarctica's highest mountain and one of the mountains on the Seven Summits list (see didits >...
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